
a little updation

Hello from CO. I am sitting here in our WONDERFUL new apartment all by my lonesome while Nate is out interviewing for a new job! This job would be awesome for him to get because it is literally two minutes from our apartment! We have been praying that one of us get a job super close to our home so that one of us would be able to ride our bikes to work and be able to live on one car until we save save save and buy a nice new car. So we shall see.

I am loving the simplicity that life has been since moving here. We are getting to spend SO MUCH time together! We have only been living here a few weeks and we have already had six visitors! We are so blessed! I took photos of all the visits, but my camera is in the car with Nate so I will post them later. Yesterday we spent the day in Boulder with some friends from Teen Mania who are thinking of moving here. Such a cool city! We are so thankful to be here! It is SUCH a ridiculously beautiful state and the weather is to die for! We have had our windows open non-stop since we moved here.

Over the weekend, Nate and I visited TheWall house of prayer which is part of Every Home For Christ. It is SUCH an incredible ministry! We got to hear teaching on the theology of night and day prayer and it was so intense! Nate and I are going to spend the next few weeks going back over the notes and studying it for ourselves because it was so much to take in. My SWEET PRECIOUS friend Courtney Gorman is working with the ministry there and it is SO incredible to see her walking out in her calling. She is such an anointed woman! I will share more on this visit later because Nate just got home (see him in the background on the phone) and we are going to spend the day in the mountains!

love, the parkers


  1. Is that what he wore to his interview?

  2. So glad to see bits of your life and new adventure through your blog.. can't wait for more.. You are missed!!!

  3. so beautiful. let's skype soon to talk all about EVERYTHING! I'm free all day tomorrow and all day friday!
