

The other night, Nate and I went to an ice cream shop in our neighborhood called Licks. I seriously need to cool it on my ice cream intake as of lately. There are like 23423 ice cream shops within two minutes of us. Custard, frozen yogurt, hard scoop... every kind! I looooove it way too much! I, as always, panicked with the vast amount of flavors and after three samples (yes, I am THAT girl) I opted for the birthday cake flavor. It was alright, I felt a bit rushed by the cashier so I just picked one. Oh well, good thing it's right by our house and I can try all the other glorious flavors. Tonight my WONDERFUL Tara comes home from Europe. FINALLY! I need some girl time... way too much time with all boys lately.

Hope your week has been good. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

love, the parkers


  1. I am so jealous. I wish I was there!!! I am going to come soon and visit!

  2. oh man. i miss ice cream. uhhhhhhh!

  3. i like nate's hair long!! keep posting lots girl!!!!
