
gooood women

Tuesday afternoon I met up with these lovely women. We ate, talked and explored downtown belleville. I am SO THANKFUL to know these women!! I feel like I could cry typing this. Nate and I have the GREATEST friends here. We leave for Denver one week from today. As exciting as that is, I can't even think about saying goodbye to these precious friends. We have known each other for so long and I have such sweet memories with each of them.

But, let's not think about goodbyes yet! One more week in the glorious midwest! This weekend we have a wedding extravaganza to attend which will be SO FUN! If you could see our men on the dance floor you would understand why. It will definitely be a gooood time. A perfect farewell weekend.



    I am so happy AND so sad all at the same time! I have so loved spending so much time with you lately. WE SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN DOING THIS!

    Love you sososooso much. You are such a wonderful friend, and I am SOOOO excited for your adventuring! You are going to LOVE it! And then someday when we all have money we can go on friend cruises together!!!!! It will never be goodbye, just see ya later. wah wah waaaah. cheesy but true. :)

    Aaaand I love the new blog look and name!!!!!
