
Snowy Day

Today I spent at home because it was SNOW DAY!! One of the many perks of working at a school! I love LOVE my work schedule.

Our house has been so DISGUSTING since Christmas break. Life has been CRAZY so I was thankful for today to get things organized. I am starting to understand myself better and how I function. I NEEEEEED structure, organization and cleanliness or else I am unproductive and stressed. And, unfortunately, organization is not something that comes naturally to me. So I spent the day organizing. And it feels WONDERFUL.

Got everything done except Christmas stuff... I need Nate's help with that : )

Glorious and Clean
Random: Nate and I got our power bill for last month and it was twice as much as it usually is. So we are trying to dress warm and save $$$$. I was folding laundry today and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. hahahahhahahahaaa. I wish it was a better picture and you could see the ridiculous slippers I was wearing. NO shame.
Although I like my phone I got a little sad today because I did not take ONE PICTURE of Christmas with our real camera!!! All I have are phone pictures... BUT I will attempt to do a Christmas update soooon.

Random lunch and SNOWWW

Woke up to this. BEAUTIFUL!!

We need groceries

That's all for now.